Frequently Asked Questions


A health and wellness coach is a guide and mentor who empowers  you to take responsibility for your own health and supports you to implement and sustain lifestyle and behavioural changes. Contributing to achieve personal health and lifestyle goals by making step-by-step changes to your food choices and current lifestyle at a pace that’s comfortable for you.
In areas of wellness and healthy living; I have found 12 individual sessions is an ideal time frame for working with the consistent support of a coach to experience transformative goal setting and lifestyle changes.
During my coaching programmes, I will work with you towards your health and lifestyle goals. After the initial complimentary Consultation where we discuss your goals, your current struggles, and if we would be a good fit to work together, we will meet every week or every other week to create a step-by step plan that will enable you to introduce healthier habits and lifestyle changes into your life depending on what areas you want to target.
Coaching creates independent thinkers who can access their inner wisdom to make the best choices for their lives. Effective coaching is a process and the amount of time it takes one person to let go of an old belief or habit might be different for someone else.
Health Coaches look for the root causes as to why your feeling like your feeling or not making those changes you know you need to make. Sometimes you need more than recipe advice. I focus on more than  the food you’re eating. Food is usually the symptom. It’s important to dive into your internal nourishment – your career, spirituality, physical activity and relationships, to name but a few, before moving onto your food. Nevertheless since food is an important key factor in our wellbeing, Lucia a register dietitian and professional chef will help you to navigate this changes in the best possible way.
I can help you create the meals and foods you like to eat and to take steps that get you closer to healthier alternatives and provide recipes and options. All this information will be prepared individually for you by our registered dietitian and professional chef.
Coaching can happen at a designated meeting place, or it can be equally valuable through video conference. You don’t need to be local to work with me as a Health coach. Whatever works for you!
The vast majority of my clients do not live in the same city as I do and it has worked out very well. With scheduled video calls, unlimited email check ins, and access to your material through healthie app, living in different cities or Countries does not turn into an issue. It just means we have to be aware of our time differences, but the work we do together is just as effective
Firstly, real and natural foods don’t have to be expensive. Grains and vegetables can be the cheapest foods on the planet, even the good quality stuff. I will show you how to save money and be savvy in the supermarket, as well as teaching you other money saving tricks such as cooking in bulk.
Secondly, consider this the best investment you’ll ever make in supporting your long-term health. The things that you’ll learn in the programme will last you a lifetime and will benefit your family too. Too often, we begrudge spending money on healthy food or investing in our wellbeing, but we spend it on less worthwhile things without thinking twice all the time. Then there’s the cost of trying to repair the damage once it’s done: gym memberships, doctors’ bills and medication.
Thirdly, a simple reminder: the greatest wealth in life is health, and you can’t put a price on your overall health and happiness.
If what I mentioned above is not enough, please drop me an email to and we can work out a way to work together.

If you have any questions or concerns about which program is right for you, please do not hesitate to email me. You can also book a complimentary 30 minutes session to chat to determine your specific needs.