Hey there!

I’m Celina, a mother, a wife, a nomad, a runner, a reader, and a lover of the outdoors. I’m also a certified Holistic Health Coach, dedicated to empowering you to recognize the full reality of health, happiness, and your life.

I like to think of myself as
“Someone in continuous pursuit of happiness, better habits and inner growth.”


My Story

I am originally from Mendoza, Argentina. Six years ago, my husband and I decided it was time for a change. We moved with our 3 children to London, where we then lived for 5 years. After the pandemic, we thought it was the right time to make another move, which was how we ended up in Girona, Spain.

I studied law and worked in Argentina, but after our move I stayed at home to support my children. It was during that time at home that I started to dig deep to find what my life purpose was. After reading through many books, going through research and coaching sessions, INN came up. It felt right to me: here was a solution I could believe in, something to help other people. After a year, I completed my Holistic Health Coach Certification, enjoying every single lecture. I knew without a doubt that I had found what I was looking for.


Why not start backwards?

I’m in my 40s, living the life I choose with the people I love, feeling healthy and with the job I always dreamt of.

However, it wasn’t always like this. In my 20s, though being young, exercising daily and with not serious matter in my life, I was struggling with digestive issues, craving sugar, coffee and carbs. Painkillers and omeoprazole were a must in my cupboard.

Then one day, I was invited to a life coaching talk. This marked the beginning of my journey towards discoverning who I really was ,my life purpose and most important it made me realise that healing needed to start from the inside. I finally understood that my body was speaking to me.

I started practicing yoga and meditation as a way to calm my anxiety and relax my whole body. I became more aware of the foods I was eating and slowly stop taking painkillers and acid blockers, until one day I didn’t need them anymore.

I got married and had my first child, who despite being seen as a healthy boy, he really wasn’t. Since a very young age he has suffered from chronic allergies, hay- fever and atopic skin. Once again, we tried both western and alternative medicine with him, but we were not getting to the root of the issue.

This is how I decided to join INN, in pursuit of having the tools to support him in achieving well -being. I graduated as a holistic health coach and since then, I haven’t stop studying and researching about gut- health and well-being. I have changed my family’s nutrition and mindset.

I used to think of myself as someone who feared change and didn’t take any risks. My first big move towards breaking this limiting belief was moving with my family (my husband and 3 boys aged 6,4 and 2 months) to London. I strongly believe we all have a purpose in this life, getting out of our comfort zone is a good way to start finding it!

I can certainly say I feel better now than in my 20s !

I’m obsessed with

I’m obsessed with

My Mission

My philosophy is this: we are all our own healers. Equipped with the right tools and the right information, anyone of us can overcome our deepest-rooted blocks to complete balanced health

Our world has taken on such a fast, busy pace that it’s a wonder any of us can keep up with it. The amount of information we gather every day about wellbeing and nutrition is so expansive that it’s difficult for anyone but the experts to keep up with. As a result, we get lost. We don’t know where to begin and keep living procrastinating our health.

Through the years I’ve learned that rather than taking a pill for each of our pains, it is better to address the root cause and heal from the inside, not just through food but mainly through listening to yourselves and giving yourself time to rest. Our bodies are complex computers. It is made to last, but it’s up to you how you treat it and how long it will in turn last.


My Core Mission

My core mission is to help you move beyond trends and into truth, to support you to implement and sustain simple lifestyle and behavioural changes so that you can achieve your personal wellness, lifestyle, and health goals, to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to reconnect with your body, find the right nutrition plan for you, clear any limiting beliefs, and creating a new pathway. I aim to guide you to experience how your body is meant to feel, by going back to basics and eating real food.


My Core Mission

My core mission is to help you move beyond trends and into truth, to support you to implement and sustain simple lifestyle and behavioural changes so that you can achieve your personal wellness, lifestyle, and health goals, to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to reconnect with your body, find the right nutrition plan for you, clear any limiting beliefs, and creating a new pathway. I aim to guide you to experience how your body is meant to feel, by going back to basics and eating real food.

Meet The Team

Team Member:

Lucia Giroldi

Title: Dietitian, Nutritionist and Cheff.

Location: Mendoza Argentina.

A Phrase: We are what we eat!

My Interests: Gut health and microbiome.

My Approach: I believe in healthy eating habits adaptable to each patient.

My Passion: Cooking and nutrition.

Mother of Tomas and Delfina.

New Obsessions: Running.

Words By Customers

Let's Work Together

I’m here to inspire you to live the life you choose, to take charge of your health, to reconnect with yourself, and to improve your daily habits. Through my experience, I’ve learned that it’s in our own power to improve our health, by getting in touch with our inner selves, improving our diets, exercising daily, and building healthy relationships.