The Simple Truth

For a Happier, Positive, Healthier You


Hola !

I’m Celina, a certified Health Coach who is passionate about how exercise, mindfulness and whole foods can transform our bodies! As your Health Coach, I’ll provide you with the right tools and information to overcome your deepest-rooted blocks to complete balance health and live a happier life.

I’d like to guide you to make peace with your plate and become the healthiest and happiest version of yourself. I’ll share My knowledge following the same approach I take towards my own health.

My formula to achieve balance:

Whole Foods + Exercise + Self-Love.

Does this resonate with you?

Modern life forces us to live at a very fast pace, without finding the right time to listen our bodies and ourselves.

Feel slugish especially after lunchtime

Keep putting
off exercise

Wake up
feeling restless

Overwhelmed with
online information

digestive issues

Cravings +
Emotional eating

Benefits of Choosing Me

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Learn about yourself

Start healing yourelf

Free yourself from any struggle

Change your life

Ready to start your holistic journey?

Explore our wide offer of services and don’t forget to book your 30-minute complimentary session!